Tutorial - Rayfire, Multitexture & Render Settings

Rayfire Bricks

Rayfire has a bricks modifier which allows you to create matrix cladding, panelling, bricks and tiles to any object. This comes in quite handy for bathrooms especially where the tiles run up the walls. I will go through a few options and how to randomise them.

Bathroom Tiles:

1. Once you have your floor and your walls, you will need to create a shell for the outer side of your walls (the red section) - as when you apply the Rayfire Bricks modifier you will be able to see between the gaps. 
2. Select the floor and walls (green/blue) and apply the Rayfire Bricks modifier. 
3. In Parameters > Container - adjust this to be equal on all sides, and then move the gizmo to your piece. If you cannot see your bricks now - go to Options > Increase the Upper Limit. For some reason if your Container size is not equal your measurements will not be correct for the Brick Size.
4. In this case I want square tiles, so under Brick Size > make this x:600, y:600, z:600. 
5. Under Row Offset > make this x:0, y:0, z:0
6. You can now move your gizmo into place so your edges line up along the bottom of the floor and walls
7. Adjust the Gap (mortar size). I like about 2mm for tiles.
8. Apply a MaterialByElement modifier and set the Random Distribution > 200
9. Apply your UV Map - if each texture is just 1 face set to face, if not apply a box.
10. Apply a Chamfer modifier - Amount > 2mm, Segments > 10, Tension: 0.5 (You may want to set the segments lower to begin with 3-5 and then when your happy - right click on the Chamfer modifier > Off in viewport. You can then adjust your segments much higher and they will appear in the render only). Smooth > Smooth Chamfers Only


This will randomise your tiles based on what you did earlier with the MaterialByElement modifier. 

1. Create a VrayMtl
2. Diffuse > Multitexture
3. Manage Textures > place your bitmap of your tile (in this case I will just use a color to make the outcome more obvious)
4. Color Adjustment > Gamma > Random > 0.1 (I suggest 0.05 for timber but in this case I want to make it obvious)
5. Render 

I have an example below where I have used the above procedure to apply a Matrix Cladding to the door frame, a Timber Cladding to the facade, You can do bathroom tiles (which are super easy to update), it will also work around sliced geometry (where the windows/doors are).

Render Settings

Vlado's new settings for 3.30.04 are quite good as there is no need to adjust individual subdivisions for lights, materials or brute force. Just remember if you want to render your vegetation quicker to select the objects > Right Click > Vray Properties > Subdivs multiplier: 0 (instead of 1)

The base settings are great for preview renders and testing on the go, however for final renders I would look at a couple areas for interiors:

If you are doing an exterior you can use brute force as your primary - I believe it looks better at the cost of time